Musical Offerings
Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying/It Only Takes a Spark, played by Justin Hiscox

Iā€™d Like to Teach, played by Justin Hiscox

Precious Lord, Take My Hand, played by Justin Hiscox

Jesus Christ is Risen Today, played by Lenore Finlay

I Serve a Risen Saviour, played by Lenore Finlay

In the Sweet By and By, played by Justin Hiscox

Just a Closer Walk with Thee Improv, played by Justin Hiscox

Reflection, played by Justin Hiscox

I Come to the Garden Alone, played and sung by Lenore Finlay

Near to the Heart of God, played by Lenore Finlay

Sacred Concert, offered by Lenore Finlay

Precious Lord, played and sung by Justin Hiscox

One More Step Along the World I Go, played by Justin Hiscox

Amazing Grace, played by Lenore Finlay

Cleanse Me, O God, played and sung by Lenore Finlay

What the World Needs Now, played by Justin Hiscox

Reflection ā€“ an Improv played by Justin Hiscox

Reflection ā€“ Improv 2 played by Justin Hiscox

What A Friend We Have in Jesus, played by Lenore Finlay
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Harmony Pastoral Charge
United Church of Canada
Harmony Pastoral Charge